Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dallas Outreach - Day 2

First, I am tired. I didn't sleep well last night so today was an exhausting day from the get-go. BUT, the day was awesome, even if it was not planned for exactly correctly. We ran out of supplies because we had twice as many kids as were anticipated today. Well, that and some of the supplies went missing without anyone knowing what happened to them. Hmmmm.???

All in all, we enjoyed our time with the kids and I know they enjoyed their time with us. A few highlights for me:

• Marquis and his brother Michael. Marquis is an adorable 3 year old whom I befriended the minute I saw him walking around by himself. He made my day!
• Watching our kids pour themselves into so many of these kids. I could definitely pick out which kids have the gift for outreach.
• Participating in the praise time. Trying to teach little Marquis hand motions to the songs was fun, and dancing with him to our funky Off The Hook song was a blast! Definitely in my element during those times.

That's all for now. I'm tired and I finally get to take a much needed and desired shower. Almost 9 pm and I need better sleep tonight. Looking forward to what God holds in store for tomorrow... And seeing Marquis tomorrow... Hopefully!


  1. Words don't do this justice. I wish I could see you with him. :)

    Have you met Analise, the Pastor's daughter? Rachel led a Commit that she was a part of.

  2. Cool iTouch app! When are you going to blog about your week? ;)
