There was no way for me to know it. How HolySpirit was writing through me the very thing He knew I would need to cling to just nine days later. He knew the challenge that was just up ahead and provided a word to show me then, and remind me now, that 'God knows'.
"With arms open, wider than they were before, because space taught me something. That [this space] should always only be temporary, never permanent. And that arms were never created with the intent to push away out of rejection or misunderstanding but to take in and speak love without words."
And so, with a desire in full bloom to understand, to find the purpose, to heal all hearts involved, but especially just to be filled with enough courage for today, I asked God to speak [a] word to me. To remind me that He's got this; because even though my faith is strong, I don't ever claim to be so full that I don't have room for more.
And speak He has!
Here's everything He has spoken to me since last night, not even a full day ago. I purposely did not include the individuals' names from which these words came as I believe it's more important to recognize TheSource, HolySpirit, as the giver of LifeWords.
[If you recognize your tweet or text or spoken word here, know that I received it and that I know your name and have already prayed blessing over you for being a vessel used by God.]
"A single seed can grow a tree. There is an identifiable root to all of this. That one lie, welcomed in, dwelt on, invited to consume, can cause brokenness that cannot be measured. That one seed has been allowed to grow into a [fruitful] tree. It's being tended to. Watered. If this can be shown, can be stopped, there will be freedom to become free."
"Fear is unbelief. Know that God can work anything out for those who Love the Lord! He's got it under control."
"Once something is exposed, it loses its strength."
"Once the Lord gives you a Word, a Promise ... stand firm on it! And don't move."
"Flesh and spirit are at war. Until this is fully grasped, a very divided human will be seen. Like two people. Revelation needs to come that the two are connected, and that the spirit controls the flesh."
"When we allow God to be our defense, we have all of the resources of heaven at our disposal."
"How can we claim we have forgiven someone and yet not make allowances for that person's imperfections in our lives? How can love ever be expressed by making a choice to do what is best for "me" in a situation over someone else's needs?"
"Many times in life, when someone commits an offense against us, it is because they don't know what they are doing. I do not mean that they are not aware of their actions, but they might be in a different place in their own understanding of love."
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
"Don't quit. This is your part in the Christian life. Growth and victory are assured if you will not give up."
"One drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act."
I know that God's Word is the only word that can multiply because most of the above words were not written or spoken with 'me' in mind. Well, except in God's.
I asked Him for [a] Word today, and He gave me "more than I [had] asked for or imagined". (Ephesians 3:20) He just continued pouring out little droplets of HolySpirit encouragement and wisdom.
If you need a Word today, feel free to borrow one of mine. :) Or just ask God for a fresh one just for you. There is no shortage of words in heaven!