Friday, July 15, 2011


I have so much I want to write about. So much I would I could shout from the rooftops. But I can't. I will just blog today that God is moving. He's been unveiling His plans "to prosper us; plans to give us a hope and a future" and changes are on the horizon.

God gave us a promise for this year [Isaiah 43:16-21] and with each passing month He's been faithful to that promise in various ways. Read my recent blog about that here.

And now, God is revealing HIS PROMISEd land. The promised land is different for everyone, depending on His plan and purpose for the lives of His children.

He told us to "Be alert! Be present! For I am about to do something brand-new. Don't you see it bursting out?"

All things in God's time.


  1. I got to be honest. You walking into a promise land season is reallllllly neat to watch. I just love watching God BLESS in the ways we define blessing. I know He is always blessing. And I know we should always be aware of that. But something just feels good about seeing you receive your heart's desire in unexpected ways. Good-for-the-soul testimony!

  2. Woah, I didn't realize sounded in my first line. I gots to be honest. (Exaggerated version.) Let's try that again...reformed.

    I have to be honest...

    You may continue reading. ;)
