Our bedroom has always felt like more of a second family room than a place just for Anthony and I, and it's always been the one room that I've neglected to put money into because everything else was always more important. Well, not any longer.
While Mr. Budget is not allowing me to go all-kinds-of-crazy and spend moolah on every little touch my heart could imagine [and trust me, it can imagine a lot!], he is making room for the one thing that will make the biggest statement [until those other little touches can be justified]. ;) Soon, Mr. Budget ... soon?!?!
I purchased today a bedding set that will transform our make shift look into something that breathes life and comfort and peace into {OUR} room. Here's a pic:
Nature has always been both a place of peace and inspiration for me, as well as invigoration and exhalation. The second I saw this set I just 'knew' this was for our bedroom. This would be our daily, visual reminder of the sanctuary God desires: {OUR} Own.Private.Idaho.
My only prayer was that Anthony would like it, too. And when his response came back just as excited as mine - okay, maybe not as excited, but right up there! - there was something that stirred in my spirit ... a sense of a new coming-togetherness being built. {smiling}
Will a bedroom set transform a marriage? No. When the world is falling apart with every passing day, will buying new bedding somehow change the world? No. Well, not anyone's who won't be sleeping in {OUR} bedroom. ;) But considering what the bedroom and bed of a married couple represent--intimacy, vulnerability, privacy, and refuge--I'm excited that we're choosing to invest a small piece of God's provision into {OUR} future; into reclaiming what belongs to {US} and moving forward into creating {OUR} haven.
I would dare say that I think God has wanted us to step up and claim {OUR} piece of privacy for a long time. He created sanctity. We're just following in his footsteps. And I believe that honors him and {OUR} marriage in every way.
"This is what the LORD says, the God who builds a road right through the ocean, who carves a path through pounding waves. "Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over the old history. Be alert, be present! I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert and rivers in the badlands."" Isaiah 43:16-21
[a portion of our 2011 Promise]
*Inspiration to finally move forward with this idea, even though it was first birthed on March 4, belongs to an article posted on Destiny In Bloom by Laura Burciaga. This article made me realize, through the whisper of HolySpirit, that in making all things new, this is one area that should not be neglected.