ok, so loved your article, and have been reading your blog as well...as a friend of mine once said, "that girl got skills." You are an arteest with your words! Keep bringin' it!!!The above is a message that popped up in my FB email yesterday afternoon. [To my knowledge], Vanessa and I have never met, yet she took the time to write these sweet and super encouraging words to me. I am blown away!!!
Vanessa Howard
p.s. I, too have found an amazing connection with HIM when I write. :-)
During this fast I have been asking God about some why's and what's about writing, both for Destiny In Bloom and on my personal blog. Not that I'm considering bailing on either one, it's that I'm seeking God for purpose--making sure I'm writing with the proper motive and not one from selfish gain or motive.
I do not find Vanessa's note coincidental. It's not the 'compliment' in her comment that I'm focusing on (although I do smile at her use of the word "arteest"), it's the confirmation that God is using my writing to encourage someone else ... even my personal blog, which I didn't think had any reach beyond me and my best friend.
So, today I am thankful for God's continued faithfulness to meet my everyone question with an answer, especially in such a creative way and heart-infusing way.
:) This makes me so happy! I've never wanted to hoard your goodness. I've always wanted God to share your reflections with the world. A stranger is a good start. :)