Monday, January 17, 2011

Fast: First Week Wrap-Up

The first week of 2011's fast is coming to an end and God has been faithful and present in so many ways ... showing me that He cares about even the smallest detail of my life. Not that that fact is any different when I'm not fasting, but I guess fasting has made my spirit much more aware of His hand.

So, this is my First Week Fast Wrap-Up:

#1 - The night before our fast began was the beginning of our 7-week 20/20 small group. Anthony wanted to lead one, I didn't, but I acquiesced. Glad I did. Sunday (Jan 9) God showed me how to reach out in His leading. A woman caught my attention the entire service. At the end of it, after she came back to her seat from receiving prayer, I heard "Go ask her to your group". Ugh! Stepping out of my box is so not in my comfort zone! But I went anyway. Obey Radically, right? Glad I did. I asked, she said yes. She came to our group and we got the amazing opportunity to pray for her that night. God divinely weaves lives if we'll allow Him the room to move.

#2 - The kids' computer died on Wednesday. Extra money to spend that's NOT in our budget. Planning on taking the computer to be diagnosed in two weeks when some expense check money comes in. Anthony's paycheck on Friday included the expenses we thought we'd have to wait for until the end of the month. God cares about the small things.

#3 - Sunday's message was on Healing and God showed up in my living room to allow me to experience some healing. This was so special to me that I will write about it a separate blog.

What's a bit frustrating to me--but a learning lesson nonetheless--is that I know there have been way more moments throughout this week where I was made aware of God's work in my life. I'm now finding out that if I don't make a note somewhere about those moments, I cannot count  on my own brain to neatly log them for future blogging. I'm going to ask God to brings those back to me, but going forward I now know to jot them down or they just may be gone by the time I sit down to blog them.

1 comment:

  1. I like hearing/reading about your blessings. Really. It reminds me to be grateful.
