"The contradiction [of difficulty in the midst of purpose] IS evidence that God's with you. Because in the difficulty of purpose, you won't make it without Him. Difficulty requires faith to believe I was chosen for a purpose beyond my capabilities. And that this purpose is mine because God chose me to accomplish it. [Chose {ME}!] A burden in purpose is not always what we make of it. Glory is heavy. Don't confuse Glory with burden. Every purpose requires God to fulfill it."This is revelation Pastor Marcus delivered before we headed into Pastor Robert's message yesterday morning. It was so heaven-sent for me. So needed.
I've been questioning [and complaining, whining and tantrum-throwing] a specific purpose of mine in marriage since having {this} purpose revealed to me in a conversation with Marcus. Hmmm ... interesting that the revelation of purpose and revelation of difficulty of purpose was spoken through the same man. Coincidence? Hardly.
But, in true focused-on-my-circumstances fashion, with the thought that God CHOSE {me} for this, came the questions, "What about me? When's it my turn?" Oh, I think about what my natural reaction would be if this was the response of my child after receiving revelation and am THANKFUL that God is not like me. And then I ask, in full understanding, that He continue to work on my heart to become more like Him.
If godly purpose was easy to fulfill--easy according to my flesh--then it wouldn't be of God.
I'm shaking my head today realizing that even after receiving this revelation in the morning, I still didn't chose to walk in the truth of it throughout the day.
"Truth [revelation] that is not applied will never change you." Mike Guzzardo from All In