This Word is for both of you, together. Immediately when I started praying for you guys there was a smile in my spirit and the pleasure of God over you guys and your relationship. Zephaniah 3:17. Hear it as the Lord says it about you:
“The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing.”
A vision: You were kneeling down and Anthony had his hand on your back. Anthony was praying for you. There was an open door to the right of you and there was light shining in on you guys. The impression that I got is that your prayers have opened doors. I feel as if you guys have a decision to make that you are praying about. Specifically, the answer is going to be really clear but it has everything to do with you guys praying about it. So whatever is going on, thinking through…it’s going to be very clear because there was one door open with the light shining through. I also saw people begin to come through the door. I don’t know if it was family or friends but it was as if your prayers were the key to coming home. Whether is was broken relationships or whether people are far away from God it was your prayers that were vital and pivotal to them coming home. Matthew 7:7. It’s a continuous asking and seeking and knocking and those doors are going to be opened.
I felt a sense of peace and rest and calmness about your relationship. Encourage you two to pray, pray, pray. That’s going to open doors and God’s going to make it very clear about direction for you.
Babs, when I started praying for you I felt as if God wanted me to tell you that you found the right one. And don’t you ever question that you found God’s best for you. You are on the right path, but it involves the two of you together. God will illuminate your path with His Word, and you will have as much wisdom as you have of His Word. That’s true for all of us, but He especially wanted to say to you that the wisdom you desire for what to do, you’ll find in the pages of His Word and in the quietness of your relationship as He speaks His Word over you--gives you direction and gives you guidance--it’s where you’ll find the wisdom. Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Go…you need to listen to His voice. Sometimes it’s hard in our society to be still long enough to really hear what He wants to say, but He wants to speak over you…and intimately. I had the sense that He sings and dances over the two of you. He is pleased with you and dances in the heavenlies over your lives. You need to start to envision that more--both of you. It will set you free. It’s easy to get tied down, but in our relationship with the Lord He calls us into frolicking in His presence and dancing and being in freedom with Him. He dances and sings over you and desires for you to go to that place often. There is healing in his wings and I felt Him say Malachi 4:2… “But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and frolic like calves released from the stall and leap for joy.” He desires a whole other level in your lives, both of you. You need to obey. You’re going to begin to see provision from the Lord. I just really felt like God is going to begin to pour out an extra measure of finances. He enables us with finances because He entrusts it to stewards. God is saying over your lives that you have been faithful, and He is going to give you finances because you’ve been good stewards. I just feel like is a financial blessing that God desires to raise you to a whole, new level.
The impression I got after seeking the Father on your behalf is a little different. It was a puzzle piece; an individual puzzle piece. If you take just one piece out of the puzzle it’s very obvious. You can see it. The picture is not complete. You have a vital part in the kingdom. Do not think of it as unimportant. You’re not just a piece in the puzzle, you’re the piece, the main part that compels people to the picture and completes that picture. You make the picture make sense. Every piece in the puzzle is unique to its shape and its place in the puzzle…it only goes in one place. It won’t fit anywhere else. You’re vital to those around you. You hold lives together because of who you are. You complete others because you’re a piece of their lives. You’re the piece that makes their lives make sense. You bring unity where there is dissension. You’re a seamstress in the kingdom of God. You quickly cover transgressions with garments of unity and peace. You’re a reconciler. A peacemaker. You’re gifted with bringing order to the chaos.
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