Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Pen Of The Ready Writer

One would think that I hadn't written a blog in weeks, what with the volume of blogs I've posted in one day... oops, make that two because January turned into February, and Saturday turned into Sunday, during this blog-a-thon.

I've been told by several people, two who were complete strangers, that it's important for me to not only write but to get my testimonies on paper; to write them down so that I can not only be reminded of what God has done for me, but also allow these testimonies to be a source of encouragement and builders of faith for others. This is really what's behind the title of my new blog, along with the scripture in Revelation 12.

As I was compiling all the blogs from various sites to build this new one, I had the opportunity - more than once - to see each and every blog that's posted; lots of stories, some poetry and a bit of venting, but not so many testimonies. God has been whispering to my heart, urging me, prodding me, to start writing actual testimonies and not just get caught up in what I may have learned that day or some memory that I want to capture for posterity.

So, I've decided to set aside time to do that this month, to make a difference (maybe) with my words, by remembering through writing, the circumstances that turned into testimonies... to be the pen of the ready writer.


  1. I just scrolled down the page and saw I have an entire page full of new posts from you to read. Awwww, snuggling in to the couch. Morning air blowing on my face. Still dark outside. And SO ready to read. :)

  2. Testimonies, huh? I have to admit, I don't fully understand. But I am so excited that you are going to teach me how to put purpose to my own writing by what you write. Thanks for the lesson to follow!!

  3. No, I didn't design the layout for my coloringlife2009 Wordpress. I chose it because it looked like it had a little songbird in the corner.
