Wednesday, July 5, 2006

For My Son

Alec, I am so proud of the year you've had in baseball. Your team (Yeah Angels) came in 1st place... with an undefeated season, no less! That's a major feat in and of itself.

Then your team took 2nd place in T.O.C. -- a noteworthy finish -- beat by the only team that could have taken top place from you guys. (Great playing White Sox)

At the Closing Ceremonies your coach introduced you as the THEE player for all coaches to look for in the draft next year -- and even called you, in his opinion, the best pitcher in the league this season. Not too shabby a compliment, considering that you were one of only twelve 9-year olds in a division dominated by 10 year olds.

Then we got the call that you had been selected to the 9/10 year-old All-Star Team! One of only four 9-year olds to make the "A" team. Your coaches have talked you up as possibly the best pitcher on a team loaded with a pitching bench 9 players deep.

Tonight your All-Star team had their last practice before the tournament starts tomorrow. You boys have been busting your butts -- more accurately, the coaches have been busting your butts -- 6 nights a week, 3 hours each practice, to get you ready. It's been a long 3 weeks, but (finally) tomorrow night we'll get to watch as your team takes the field for their first game.

Alec, your passion for this game has driven you to practice almost every day this season -- sometimes more than once a day if you and I had the time (or the daylight) to be outside. You committed yourself to improving your pitching... having me catch your fastballs and change-ups over and over again until your speed and accuracy and delivery were spot on. And your dedication paid off. You have grown leaps and bounds as a pitcher this year!

But, most importantly, you have never boasted in your skills... and that's what I'm most proud of in you. You have remained humble because you understand that all of this is a blessing from your Heavenly Father... He chose to gift you with talent and a deep passion for the game that is unusual in a boy your age. Always keep this perspective... give all the glory to God for all that comes your way (baseball related or not)... and He will continue to bless you.

No matter the outcome of tomorrow night's game or the rest of the All-Star Tournament, I want you to know that you make me so proud to sit in the bleachers and be known as Alec Brewton's Mom. Play hard, play fierce, play fun tomorrow... enjoy your night! And in all innings, whether on the field or in the dug out, appreciate every moment! We will all be there to cheer you on!!!!

I love you, Bud!
~ Mom

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