Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Miriam Webster had quite a few definitions for this word - freedom - but I loved this particular one, because it spoke precisely to what Jesus brought through Kairos this past week:

"Liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another."

I have so many thoughts and real, life-changing moments that I fully intend to document, but my first one had to focus on the overarching theme of Freedom. I wonder, as I sit here reflecting on the three days of Kairos, if anyone really knows how enslaved they are by their past until they get to see their future through the lenses of true freedom?

Although my Kairos - my appointed time with Jesus - was broken down into individual freedom lessons, He definitely encapsulated each one under the theme of Love. Jesus brought me there, this time, to deposit in my heart the thorn of His Love; much in the same way He did to Much Afraid, the crippled and fearful doe in the allegory Hinds' Feet on High Places.

I know that I am beginning a different journey now, much like Much Afraid, even though I'm in the 4th decade of my life. A huge portion of my life, my past, was set right because I was set free from the one vow that shut down my heart and kept me from living...and loving.

More to come as my Kairos unfolds on these pages...

Friday, July 17, 2009

When God Speaks

Gosh, it's almost 3am. My body was pushed passed tiredness and [this] is the consequence...sleeplessness. So, what better way to spend my time when awake is exchanged for asleep? Blogging.

I did spent quite a bit of time finally putting together the new Coppedge Family Blog, which is going to quickly become a favorite playground of long as I remember to have my camera available for all of those moments that I currently let slip by, not unnoticed, just not captured. But even with that project complete and the first blog written, I still find myself praying for heavy eyelids that will eventually bring about sleep. Until then...

So, I was sitting here thinking about the past few days and all that God has done...and the fact that I haven't written any of it down. It's been a busy four days.

After 5 months of seeking God, asking for clarification on what's happening with Anthony's business and is this house going to remain ours, God finally [my emphasis because that's what it felt like] made one thing very clear - it was time to put the house up for short sale in order to [hopefully - again my word] avoid foreclosure.

We got that word Sunday night at church...

On Monday morning we contacted a real estate agent specializing in short sales
By Monday afternoon we had an appointment to go over all the paperwork
By Tuesday morning all the documentation requested was completed and our agent was at our house to take pictures of our home
By Tuesday night our house was listed on MLS
On Wednesday morning we got our first viewers...and 2 more later than day
THIS afternoon we received word that an offer had been made and we also had 3 more families coming to look at the property.

This has all happened within 4 days of hearing God tell us very clearly...SELL!

For months we begged God to give direction. Didn't He hear us? Were we asking the wrong questions? Did He speak already and we somehow missed it? Were we too focused on getting the answer we were hoping for that when the real answer came we dismissed it as a random thought?

It simply came down to this: Timing...God's timing.

When He was ready, He spoke, and He spoke with very clear direction. He left no question as to what His answer was. He didn't jumble it up into 50,000 words, and He didn't make me search high and low. He simply spoke...SELL!

We made the first call and God's done the rest. I'm not sure what the next few days will hold or how quickly this will all happen. What I do know is that God is proving Himself faithful...once again.

His Word NEVER returns void.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

God Be Praised!

You saved my life from death
I was all but defeated
You spoke Your promises
And brought life to my weakness
Came as a conquering King
And You warred for my freedom
My soul can't help but sing... Hallelujah

You opened up my eyes
For the first time I saw You
Your love commanding life
And deserving devotion
You told me who I am
Now in faith I believe it
My soul can't help but sing... Hallelujah

You've made a place for me
Silenced all my accusers
Leading me forth with peace
Filled with Joy I will follow
Your cross demands my life
Now Your grace is my anthem
My soul can't help but sing... Hallelujah

We're redeemed and made free.
By the blood of the Lamb we have won.
We will sing victory.
Jesus conquered the grave.
God be praised!
This is a brand new song that was introduced during worship this weekend. It's a song written by David and Alena Moore and sung first at the High School and Jr. High summer camps. Alec came home and told me of a new song they learned while at camp that had just been written a week prior. He loved the song and told me it was the anthem for their week. After hearing it today, I can understand why.

God invaded my worship in a huge way this morning. We walked in late, as I Am Free was being wrapped up, and then the music started for God Be Praised. I was immediately consumed by the overwhelming presence of God and felt my heart impressed to just be still...let the song be sung over me. Since I didn't know it and would have had to read the lyrics to follow along, I simply closed my eyes and soaked in the song.

I cannot say exactly why this song spoke so strongly to me or why God chose to fall on me so heavily. All I can say is... it did and He did. Tears poured from me; from what felt like the very core of my soul. I wasn't feeling burdened or anxious or stressed or scared. I can only say that it felt like God was cleaning me with my tears from the inside out. releasing whatever I'd been holding on to and maybe didn't even recognize. relieving my soul and refreshing my spirit.

I love when God surprises me with Himself before I even ask for Him. It's like He somehow knows what I need... :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jesus Walking

"God provides, but my lack of want is not based on His provision. It is based on the fact that He is the shepherd, even if He does not provide now. I declare that I will not want, that I will not succumb to the heresy of doubting the benevolence of God, even if today I am hungry. Why? Because I am filled by who He is, not what He does. He is my shepherd and since that is true, I can follow Him through some pretty terrible places knowing that He will always be the shepherd. ” [skip moen]

"Boy, this excerpt really challenged me to my core. My husband and I are walking through a very tough financial situation where the business has all but fallen out of his business [he has been self-employed for 6 years], and “real” jobs are practically non-existent. Six months of scraping by just to put food on the table and keep the lights on have culminated in the Foreclosure letter we received last week from our mortgage company’s legal team. In 30 days [give or take] we could be finding ourselves without this home. That part doesn’t scare me because I understand that this home is just a structure and that we can make wherever we live our “home”. The fear that is beginning to creep in and consume my soul is the possibility that we could not only lose our home but that because of the lack of business in my husband’s business and the fact that resumes go out but responses don’t come back, we could actually be facing homelessness. I have made peace with the looming foreclosure and know that it is not the end of my world. But the thought of not only losing our home but also not having the steady income to be able to qualify for another place to live scares the life out of me.

There. I said it! Yes, I am scared about this even though “perfect love casts out all fears”; even though “the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want”. I do not want a big, beautiful mansion [we certainly don't live in one now], nor do I even care if our family of 6 ends up living on top of one another in a 2 bedroom apartment. What I can’t wrap my mind around, or even consider letting my emotions take hold of, is the fact that our foreclosure may not be the worse thing we are facing…we could actually be without a home altogether.

I so want to find the peace that surpasses all understanding because I certainly do not understand this situation. I am ready to walk away from all that we “have” but I am not prepared to walk away from something into nothing." [my comment left on his site regarding his devotion based on Psalm 23]

"Dear Babs,
You are not alone. There are many in this small community who face similar circumstances. That isn’t much consolation, I know. But maybe this will be. The purpose of this community is to ACT according to the Spirit of The Holy One. So, here’s what I would like to do, and I hope what others will help make possible. At God’s Table has some reserves from donations. I want to make these available as I can as loans to brothers and sisters, just as Deuteronomy tells us. No interest, just use while you are going through hard times. Then repay so someone else can use the funds. What do you think?" [skip's comment back to me]

"Dear Skip,

I am overwhelmed by your immediate response in words [didn't expect that]. I shared my heart seeking a community of prayer and/or a word of encouragement/wisdom that would speak to my heart. I am even more overwhelmed by your heart of generosity. I know that Anthony, my husband [whom you've spoken with via telephone and also had personal email communication with], will also share in my reaction. He is out for the morning but I will definitely share your response with him when he gets home. We will be in contact soon. For now, I want to use this time to pray for wisdom and direction in accordance with your kindness. AND also give our God praise for how he works and pray abundant blessing and favor upon you, your family, this ministry and its community." [my comment back to Skip]

"I am thanking God for the compassion that I see taking feet and doing. I pray for much blessing for you BabsC and your husband. Knowing that our LORD is not far away but close at hand and that His right Hand is not short. Brother Skip I also thank God for your faith of action. I am going to send a little extra this month to be done as the community needs."
a fellow traveler of the Way,
Jeffrey [a reader of Skip's devotions]

"Could you take an extra $70.00 out of my credit card ( from using the info that you have and deduct from each month) and use it to help that woman and her husband not lose their house? Ironically, the only thing I DIDN'T lose in the chaos is my house. If she lived near me and needed a place, I'd welcome her whole crew in!"

I went to Jesus this morning seeking "something"... peace, answers, direction... whatever I could get. I read something that reached in and grabbed my heart, shook it up and challenged it to think differently. Then I reached out because it's all I can think to do right now. Keep putting us out there and God will work, some how... stay quiet and so may God.

Today, I stand in awe of how God has been lived out by complete strangers. This is Jesus walking. So, I will not borrow tomorrow's trouble. I will continue to believe that He is going to see us through this, even if it doesn't look like we imagined it would.